Puget Sound Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a professional organization dedicated to improving Math Teaching in the Puget Sound Region. PSCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and one of the organizations that rotates in hosting the Northwest Math Conferences in October.  We offer an annual scholarship to PSCTM members for the conference to honor Elden Egbers, who was a big supporter of attendance at the conferences.  Talk to one of the board members at the next dinner for more details.

If you teach Mathematics in the Puget Sound region, consider joining PSCTM, Washington State Mathematics Council, or both.

PSCTM was founded to encourage continual professional growth among local mathematics teachers. The organization sponsors three major activities during the year: a fall, a winter, and a spring dinner. A variety of topics of interest to K-12 math educators are presented at these events.

Angela Ensminger


Jane Bissonnette


Joyce Frost

Program, Newsletter

Art Mabbott

Treasurer, NCTM Rep

Jane Hunter


Joe Frost
